Negative Factors Evaluated During the Interview

1. Poor personal appearance.
2. Fails to make eye contact.
3. Overbearing, over-aggressive.
4. Inability to express oneself clearly, poor voice, diction, grammar.
5. Lack of planning for career – no purpose/goals.
6. Lack of interest and enthusiasm – passive; indifferent.
7. Lack of confidence and poise; overly nervous; ill at ease.
8. Over-emphasis on money. Interested only in best dollar offer.
9. Lack of tact.
10. Lack of courtesy; ill-mannered.
11. Negative about past employers.


12. Limp handshake.
13. Indecisive.
14. Sloppy application form.
15. Wants job only for short time.
16. Little sense of humor.
17. Lack of knowledge of field of specialization.
18. Lack of interest and lack of knowledge of company or industry.
19. Emphasize whom they know instead of what they can do.
20. Cynical.
21. Low morale.
22. Intolerant, strong prejudices.
23. Inability to take criticism.
24. Late to the interview without good reason.
25. Asks no questions about the job.